I am 19, studying in RP doing Diploma in Business Application.
My passion belongs to the outdoor,
which consists of mountain trekking,
having all sorts of outdoor sports,
and I love doing extremes.
Rock Climbing! Cycling! Swimming! Frisbee!

Just by looking at what I am studying,
there is an absolute no link to whatever my passion is.
However, I am glad I had found what satisfy me.
After all, happiness is one of the essential need for a healthy life.
There are 2 routes I am heading. Gotta choose one.
Continue in Business, which in turn will bring me lots of money,
however will it ever bring me happiness? I ever doubt.
Find myself a girl that I love, not lust for.
Take the relationship through my poly years,
and here and there I am sure to know,
Relations does have it's ups and down.
Army will be a great test for me and her.
After ORD, find myself a job maybe as a businessman,
At the same time, do a part-time degree in maybe business management?
Upon graduation, I will be around 27 years old.
Save up my money for a grand marriage, a beautiful honeymoon,
a condominium penthouse, a great and powerful car,

Getting married at maybe 30 years old? A little too old,
but with age comes wisdom, knowledge and experience.
Enjoy a life just with my wife for 2 years? And soon I wanna have kids.
2boys, 2girls.
Retire at the age of 50 with millions in my bank,
take an overlook at the demands of the market,
maybe I will invest in entertainment for youths.
Open a club, just like Zouk.
Have part of my profit going to orphanages, third world countries,
feeding the hungry, educating the poor and ensuring poverty ceases.

Looking back after all I have typed, gosh, this is seriously a life I would wanna lead.
Alright, here's the 2nd route.
Upon graduating from RP, I will enter army.
Seriously my mind ponders will I even be attached with a girl.
Entering into the army will expose me to a lot of outdoors,
a lot of "protecting" the nation.
ORDed and maybe I might get myself a job that deals with outdoor,
maybe Outward Bound (whatever the country is)
Or even being a trekking professional, learning how to deal with nature.
I know the pay is extreme little compared to being a businessman,
but that is, IF I were to pursue my passion. Happiness is guaranteed,
however I am a poor man.

Will I even get married if I do not have money?
Will I even find a girl that suits my lifestyle of outdoor and nature?
HAHA assuming I am single,
I will just continue loving nature, until I retire.
Retiring at 60? And maybe get myself a countryside house by the river.
Open myself a trekking company,
Planning and organizing trekking trips for those students who have passion for nature.
I will charge as little as possible,
because I know these students were just like me,
40 years ago. Saving up money to go overseas and experience nature.

After so much I typed, reflected and thought,
I seriously doubt this is the life I will ever want.
Somehow, let things go by step by step.
Alright, the third route which I didn't really thought of.
God's calling. To be a missionary.
Once a vision was given to me.
God placed me on a stage, with a translator.
As I opened my eyes, I see multitude of people,
mostly dark skinned, maybe the Africans or Indians.
Perhaps God's will was for me to make use of my speaking talent.
To show them how much God's love
will provide, will bless, will supply, will protect, will forgive sins...
I have no idea how am I going to head for this path of life,
and certainly, if that is truly what God's plan for me of life,
It will come true and it shall come true.
God will make a way, where there isn't.
He will be there for those that believe in Him in the darkest moment of their lives.
God heals, God cares and God loves.
OKAY! enough about that exciting glimpse of my future.
Sorry guys, I have not been updating like recently,
and thanks, year ones. You guys are a beautiful bunch of students.
Anything just tagged me on my board, or drop me a MSN message.
with love,
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