Alright. Apologies to Joyce for waking me up like twice, had an appointment with her at yewtee mrt at 11.30pm, but I kinda of overslept. Suppose to meet Kim, Vignette and Jerral for lunch at 12noon. but woke up at 12.37pm and met at 1pm. Sorry guys. Had great lunch with Kim and Vignette, hang out.
anyway, I didn't regret for going. I felt the sense of belonging, and God's love keep telling me, "Edward, welcome home." well, I have seriously back slided beyond words. after my breakup with Samantha, my life changed. at first, I thought church and cg was a bore. and life was great, I thought to myself. I thought I was great, superb and macham God. but I was wrong. Soon after, the feeling sucks. So Pastor Kong delivered a great massage on Valentine's Day. Here are the first 3 basic needs a man and woman will ever need in a r/s.
- Affection - All girls need to be told how much they are love.. how much they are to be appreciated. This reminded me of how I used to whisper the 3 words in her ears when we are intimate. Anyway, it's the past. But I can say that using words to show affection to a girl is strong. It affirms them. (:
- Conversation - Haha! From 40,00 man and woman, conversation was the most important thing. A man speaks 15000 words per day, while a woman speaks 30000 words! That's like double. Haha now I won't blame my female friends for being so chatty. Anyway, Pastor Kong advised a man to spend time at least 15hours per week with his spouse. AND it is not orh hah orh yes whatever. It must be undivided attention. Reminds me of my past r/s. Everynight spend chatting with you...
- Honesty & Openess - Well, in every r/s, the man must be honest and open towards her. The girl would wanna know his every deepest secret, thought and comment towards every single thing in his life. Pastor Kong said that woman have this sense in her to see if her guy is troubled or whether is he saying something truthfully. HAHA, he did mentioned, if a man thinks that the girl can't take the truth, then he is looking down on her. <- well said. And he did mentioned that a marriage will never fail because of telling the truth, but fails because of telling lies. Hmmm sorry Samantha, during our r/s, I had not been open enough. But its all over. All the best for your future.
- Sexual Fulfillment - Hmmm, God created sex. So yea, thats for the married couples not those that are still dating. LOL but well, its all up to oneself.
- Recreational Companion - Wouldn't it be nice for your girl or wife to play the same sport as you? Hmm, but the guy musn't be too much to force the girl to like whatsoever he likes. However, to me its more of a compromise thing. The guy and girl must compromise to an activity that both enjoy and love. The couple that plays together stays together. (:
- Attractive Spouse - Well, behind every successful man, there is ought to be a woman. And I am sure all man would want an attractive woman to be by their side. I know many people here says that loving a person is seeing the person's heart. But it's crap. The bible says otherwise. 1 Sam 16:7 proves it all. Here are five major pointers for girls to look out if you want your man to be happy.
- Weight Control - HAHA need me say more? x.x
- Make Up - LOL please don't over do it. You will become Ruhua. =x
- Hairstyle - Well, diff boys, diff perspective. (:
- Clothing - Dress nicely inside and outside of the house please!! :D
- Cosmestic Surgery - Recommended by Rick Warren! Change any major distraction if you have the cash! Like a mole or something.. Not asking to go do boobs implantation! -.-
But what my security minstry brother Wei Jian told me,
"People fail at times, but it is the picking yourself part where you grow."
HAHA and also thank you,
W426 and W473 for that welcome back shout.
Honestly I was touched. But I controlled.
When I looked at Samantha, I felt awkward. I feel that I shouldn't be here. =|

Many things had come recently. Good and bad.
Currently training for my OCBC competition on 22nd Feb.
And oncoming 25th Feb for my 7D6N Titiwangsa Range Trek.
I dont know how am I able to cope. But if there's a will, there's a way.
And my Valentine day wasn't so bad.
Just that the girl that I loved is now with my buddy,
And what more else can I do?
All the best guys! And last long! (: