Before I am off to this expedition, these are my "last words" to all my family and friends out there that cared, loved and concerned for me. (:
Anyway, I will start with daddy first.
Thank you for bringing me up until I am nearly 19, seeing me through the years of my ups and downs. I remembered once I broke down in tears, and you was there to comfort me. When I was secondary one, I gotten into trouble and when I see you, my heart was at rest. When I was secondary 5, you helped me spoke to my teacher despite of whatever that had happen.
Dad, although you are not a perfect father, but I am glad you gave me my daily allowance even though sometime you don't even have $2 in your wallet. I thank you too, for working so hard for me, supporting me, loving me, caring for me. In the recent cycling competition, you even made the effort to clear your van. Thank you dad. I love you. And you are the best dad I ever seen.
Next up! MUMMY!
Dearest mum, really want to thank you too. Just to let you know, on my 17th birthday, you wrote a very very touching note for me. You told me how hard it was to brought me up. How much effort it took from day one until now. Thanks mum.
Mummy, I want to thank you for teaching me and guiding me throughout these years of my life. All the caning, scolding, punching and shouting... Are all worth it mum. I had changed over the years to be a better person. Not for your harsh punishment, I wouldn't be where I am today.
Mummy, thank you for your expectations in my education. I am glad that as long as I have passed my exams, you are happy. Thank you for putting me in so many tuition. Thank you for savaging my "O" level Chinese.
Thank you too, for supporting me in huge amount of money. I think in my life, I can never pay you back even if I earn the millions because these money are from your blood. Mum, thank you.
And yes, thanks mum, for always being my listening ear. All my troubles, here and there you will somehow see it in me. Your advices were always true and helpful in my life. I love you mummy, always.
OKAY! Clinton Ho!
Haha hey little brother! I know, kor hasn't been a good brother. Sometimes I do things that really hurt you like taking your things etc... and spoiling them. I know that many times I have this very stubborn character in me that always borrow stuff from you even if you don't to lend. Well, I apologise, for not being a very good elder brother.
And thanks, for being my companion, my good friend and of course, my little brother. I see that you are saving up your money for so many things. A new off road biking suspension, a new road bike, your drumming lessons. And let me tell you something. I AM PROUD OF YOU! You are so talented, in your cycling passion and interests. You know how to dismantle bikes and fixed them at such an age. You know how to play drums... You serve in usher ministry...
Clinton, Kor is super proud of you. All the way you shall go and someday you will succeed.
I love you, my brother.
Here's a family picture that I love...
Hmmmm.... I love you guys always. (:
OKAY! here's my buddy's turn!
Yeap! It's you Sebastian! Hey bro, thanks for so many things. I find that you are a great leader, a great buddy, and a great friend + advisor. You know that there are many things I confided in you. Thanks for being there to be my listening ear and giving me advises. However, sometimes I find ego and pride in you and extremely stubborn. Perhaps that's every man's inner weakness. But if someday you overcome it, I am sure you will be a great gentleman.
And up next is my ex-girlfriend...
I want to take this opportunity to thank you for being there for me. I just want to let you know that you had been a very good girlfriend and my family loves you a lot. I am sorry for breaking your heart umpteen times, driving you crazy on the phone till you cry, not doing what is at the correct time... So many things that I would want to apologise for. One is not being HIM.
Anyway, even after we break up, thank you for being a very close and good friend towards me. Thanks for sharing the word of God even though you are in the midst of your studies. Thanks for still giving me the chance to be friends. I appreciate it a lot.
Hey brother Naresh!
Hey Naresh, thanks. Really a huge thank you. Thanks for being my mentor throughout these 2 years in CHC. You were always there to listen to my problems, care, pray, love and concern for me. Thank you for your advices and most importantly, you didn't gave me up even if I gave up on myself. You know, you are really a great man. And I love you as my elder brother. Thank you!

Hey guys, it has really been a pleasure working with both of you. You guys are great. Co-operative, understanding, respectful, caring and concerning for each other and I really appreciate all the effort you guys contributed in TrekEarth. I really hope that when we are back from this expedition, we can work together to bring TrekEarth to the next level of achievements and standards. Let us build this IG up.
I know that there are still a lot of my friends out there, showing so much care and concern, let me see if I can name some...
Raymond and Ariel of W35Q
GuoHao, Iris and Joyce of E37N
XueTing, Kiayim, LayHwa and Jasmine of W426
Alexandra who always insist that I smile no matter how much it hurts!
Xin Ni who always makes the initiative to ask me out!
Vignette who always wants me to be happy, asking me to think on the positive side!
Zuel who always gives me job opportunity! ( last long with MW please! )
Yea that should be all. And I really hope that I will return from this trek. If I don't... HAHA!